Sunday, September 11, 2005


Flight from L.A. to Papeete took 10 hours and we had time to kill so we started talking to and meeting a few of the passengers next to us,one of them was in a good mood and yakitiyaked with us for a while,his name was Renato and he was returning from a business trip back to Papeete where he and another italian ran a building
company.The hostesse proposed some champagne to us and since Domi and I didn't feel like drinking champagne we gave it all to Renato and he got in a better mood than before (higher still).
Pretty soon Renato took a little nap and Domi did the same I watched a movie but I can't remember what it was,I fell asleep too but you can't sleep very long in jets,don't know why.
It seemed like an endless flight but we finally reached Tahiti's airport ,Faa. We left France in winter and when we stepped out it was like getting in a furnace,it was so hot we choked for a split second,I felt like going back in the plane.We got down directly on the runway and walked toward the small airport building while dancing vahines passed fresh flowers necklace over our heads around our necks,boy!! the colours , bright,so green and so blue it seemed lined with purple auras,Gauguin didn't exagerate it's like his paintings but it's alive and it sings.
As we got ready to leave the airport with Domi's parents who came to pick us up Renato caught up with us
to whish us a good stay and he gave us his address in case I was looking for a job,I thanked him, and we got in
Papa Viala's Citroen. (See you next post dear readers).


Blogger Helen said...

Isn't it great to meet a "stranger" and make a new acquaintance? Love it!
MoreThere are so many people that just don't bother to reach out and even say hello let alone hold a conversation. Peace...........

5:19 PM  
Blogger utenzi said...

It sounds like Ronato was annoying you slightly but I'm sure it helped pass the time on that long flight to Tahiti, GPV.

I'm quite curious to find out how the visit went with her parents.

11:06 PM  
Blogger Gel said...

To have seen what Gaugin saw, plus be in love..... what a story!

9:48 AM  

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