I will repeat myself,just once, we: the people of Europe want to unite, not by means of conquest
and not by any means that would set back humanity,or steal something from our fellows men, we are willing to unite for mankind and we wish to leave no one behind, we wish to make friends
Since in the past we were a bad example to the world,we would like to change all this.SO as John
Lennon appealed to all of us,after being brothers in arms,let's be brothers in peace.We hope some day you'll join us indeed and we'll share this beautiful planet that should be everyone's garden.Let the desert man take care of the desert,let the forest man manage the trees, Let everybody believe or not,and for those who believe let them in peace believe what they may.
Do not use force to submit,don't torture the body or the soul.We all reached our limits,look over
the hills,over the mountains,the seas and link to other souls.
Drop all greed,anger,hate,and in the name of what you want;Bless them all,young and old.
This is my dream,hope it is yours and I believe in my dreams so hard,so strong, I'll send it so far,it will be taken by you,to send it back to everyone, to the children we love.