Monday, May 23, 2005


I will repeat myself,just once, we: the people of Europe want to unite, not by means of conquest
and not by any means that would set back humanity,or steal something from our fellows men, we are willing to unite for mankind and we wish to leave no one behind, we wish to make friends
Since in the past we were a bad example to the world,we would like to change all this.SO as John
Lennon appealed to all of us,after being brothers in arms,let's be brothers in peace.We hope some day you'll join us indeed and we'll share this beautiful planet that should be everyone's garden.Let the desert man take care of the desert,let the forest man manage the trees, Let everybody believe or not,and for those who believe let them in peace believe what they may.
Do not use force to submit,don't torture the body or the soul.We all reached our limits,look over
the hills,over the mountains,the seas and link to other souls.
Drop all greed,anger,hate,and in the name of what you want;Bless them all,young and old.
This is my dream,hope it is yours and I believe in my dreams so hard,so strong, I'll send it so far,it will be taken by you,to send it back to everyone, to the children we love.


Blogger oldwhitelady said...

It is a wonderful dream, GPV. Thank you for posting this. It means a lot!

8:59 PM  
Blogger GPV said...


2:00 AM  
Blogger necrodancer said...

It is not so incredible to consider that most people aren't concerned with anything from which they cannot see any direct effect in their lives. The foundation for strife through the ages has been and always will be forged in selfishness and ignorance - selfishness because we all want what will benefits us the most and ignorance because we believe that ours is the best and only answer.

I dream of a time when we - humanity - understand more than just the narrow scope of our own interests, working toward the greater good for everyone.

6:49 AM  
Blogger GPV said...

I could be wrong,necrodancer,but
right or wrong;dreams have to be up
to humans'best.
I don't know if it's real,I mean,what told me this young Irish
sailor:If you talk about the bad,it will grow.Talk about the good,only the good and it will grow
and grow until there'll be no place left for the bad.
sounds good hey?

10:29 PM  
Blogger Veracity said...

I love that bit: "Talk about the good, only the good and it will grow and grow until there'll be no place left for the bad".
Some may argue and put the dream down to idealism but what is there to lose from embracing it? There is power in collective dreaming perhaps enough to rouse it from passive slumber into an active reality...

12:45 AM  
Blogger GPV said...

Yes silk,without dreamers we might as well go back to the trees.Let's
dream a lot,let's dream like praying, like wishing and hoping and wanting the best for your kind.
For humanity's sake we need dreamers like you and many more to make the good grow as big as it can.

4:56 AM  
Blogger Gel said...

Without a doubt, a superb dream. I"m honoured to read someone else as vehement about this vision. Merci

12:04 AM  
Blogger Gel said...

I forgot to add that a blogger in the social services field chastised me for listing "dreamer" as my occupation on my blog stating I wasn't down-to-earth. I was polite, but he/she is a silly fool!

12:06 AM  
Blogger Jade said...

Hey GPV, thanks for checking out my blog. and I agree. lets talk about the good.. I myself love to dream.

5:47 PM  

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