Thursday, March 09, 2006


As the night falls under cloudy skies, I watch the neons of the bank across the street blink on and off, this has nothing to do with the subject of my thoughts, pictures of the past are drifting in my head and a sorrowful one landed on my conscience-Stone-The english teacher in Fortier High.
This was a pretty long time ago, Have I a good memory or did it just get on my nerves for so many years that it came back alive after eons of forgetfulness, I must admit that usually I have real good memories of my school days, some of them kept me going when times were tougher, some of the sweetest ones I got from ladies and girls I met around Dixie-You have these pictures too they're just a bit different and they might relate to other places in other countries, it's what's makes us brothers all over the world-sweet dreams.
Small drops of drizzling rain stick to the windows and the street is getting darker as it gets wet,when it's that kind of weather every thing seems quieter, cars passing by make less noise than usual as if engines could be silent when clouds are towering above.
In Stone's class no rock n rollin', Shakespeare only: Canterbury Tales and Julius Ceasar getting stabed by five or six sharp knives including Brutus' bowie going up and down on his mentors' chest. Brutus is no good,bad Brutus.
Mr Stone didn't like that noisy frog in the back of the class room, noisy and moronic. Mr Stone believed it was impossible to teach anything to such a stupid stranger and he proved himself right, as an english teacher among half a dozen other english teachers I had before and after him.
In eight months' time I had an F as average note.
Mr Stone had a degree in english or maybe he was working hard to get one, I don't know.
Mr Stone achieved perfection in proving himself right in his credo- nothing can be taught to inferiors.
I can be witness of this, I can swear it's true, Mr Stone is right up to 100%- In eight months,six hours per week
I haven't learned anything from his class. So I had to learn english from TV shows, truckdrivers,cops,divers,
garbage collectors,mailman,cajun fishermen,loose women and whoever crossed my path.
I don't know if it's alright now, perhaps if I hadn't been so idiotic you could've done something for me.
Something bugs me some; You cashed in from my dad for a job that you coudn't do, I think it's unfair,
you should give back that money to all the people who did it for you.
You knew english so well, why didn't you write us a good novel or two-Nothing to say?
About this topic-The Worst Pupil I Ever Had-
How come so much knowledge is left on the side-Perfect english and not one story worth to be on sale in your bookstore-pity.
Well, I'm glad I don't have to teach french to a guy as stupid as me.
It stops raining outside: time to think about the good things.Hi everyday,average people, I love you. Thanks.


Blogger Helen said...

"I've this creeping suspicion that things here are not as they seem"

Opening line to Dave Matthews song "The Stone" which I adore!

So nice to hear from you!


6:15 PM  
Blogger oldwhitelady said...

Well, even if the guy didn't do a good job teaching you, you learned the language on your own, and you learned it well. Kudos...

5:38 PM  
Blogger Gel said...

That man sure did a number on your self-esteem. I'm sorry he was such an awful teacher and unfeeling person.

Your English is terrific.Good for you to have taught yourself instead of letting him keep you "a stone's throw away" from mastering the language.

7:14 PM  

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