Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Remains N° 2 (an apple over my shoulder)

After monday as everyoneknowsorshouldknowdamnit Romans imposed their calendars and the days of the week were to celebrate every Gods of the Roman pagan list in order:
Mars,Mercury,Jupiter,Venus,Saturnus and they finaly reserved the last day for >>>
Mardi,Mercredi,Jeudi,Vendredi,Samedi and Dimanche(missing day).
Yes I know:Apple is going to propose Suridi for Dimanche "Say! Good idea!"and to hell with the
damn Romans.
The Normands,Normandie facing Cornwall, call their door knobs(QUITE APPLE!!) "Clench" and
the Bretons' tribord' is the english 'starbord' gather it means" rightside" in Celtic.And so on.
The roman word for beer was something like"Cerveza" in old aristocratic french it was 'cervoise'
but all the french people kept to call it" Biere",the old Celtic word for Brew.Hurray !!for french
pubs.Aye (yes ) is still in use in some parts of France.In french slang some say "Ouaille" for oui,
and that sounds like 'oowaiye';far away from the roman "si".


Yes, if in english you name the first day of the week" Monday",there's a clear ancient meaning to celebrate the moon on that day.What about the french, it's "Lundi", Lune is Moon but "Di";
what is "Di"? In french day is jour. Di? Remain of a forgotten celtic language.Sure thing

Monday, March 28, 2005

Hard day

Clairette worked all day,it started with preparing breakfast for the whole gang,then after Paul left for work she
got the twins geared up to go to school,making up the beds,cleaning up the house,take care of the laundry and finish this and that just in time to start something else.It went like this all day long,doing the thousand things
that must be done (Never ending story).
When finaly she decided to take five,Clairette filled up the small tub with hot,very hot,water and then seating on her favorite chair she dipped her bare feet,one after the other,slowly, until the pair of them were in the steaming hot liquid,then she sat back and moaned out in sheer delight.Just about that time Paul poped in the entrance ,hooked up his coat and said random like: "Humm smells good, did you make fish soup honey?"
Yummy hey? GPV.

European Indiens

Surprise: some real americans (Dark eyes and hair and feathers,living in communities called tribes) bought land in the french countryside near the Massif Central mountains, and they settled their Teepees.
I suppose they like it here, It's strange, I thought they would prefer wider surroundings;
endless plains as in Russia where the land is cheap.OK, Welcome people.
Something I have read about names,first and last, in europa-Some of them are very ancient and
might have a prehistorical origin,learnt mine meant" powerful arrow", while in english "armstrong,walker and other names are describing the men that were our ancestors.
Woomm pawpawpaw...Woomm pawpawpaw... >>>-------------->
>>>----------> GPV
Vew from the rear(Greek Vew) Posted by Hello

I remember Zappa

That 20 yrs old stud takes a train to go from Monaco to Antibes, boards the train at 18:10 with some ethylic vapors in the nose,manage to find a seat and falls asleep almost as soon as seated.
Well, sure enough,our youngster sleeped past Antibes' station and got off in Cannes 6 miles away from home, now he could've just payed for a ticket back to his town, except he got thirsty again.
You know:' Z THIRST'.
The man went out the station,prowled around a few blocks and walked into a bar, As he headed
straight for the counter a tall and stout gal got in his way-"What are you looking for boy"
-like to have a beer Mam.-"Look stoop,look around,you are in a bar for lesbians,look at me , I am a goose,a dyke,you see ?"-yes mam but me too....
Cool, good news, the guy finaly got his beer. How's that for a happy end? Gulp. GPV.

PS. I hear U "And Zappa?" It's just that I remember "Don't eat the yellow snow".Why? ??.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

I heard that story

That art student got into a bar in Nice(french riviera) and met that french soldier,drinking a beer, standing by the counter, "Bonjour Civilian" said the soldier,and the art student replied "Hello - How,since civilians have no uniforms, did you know I was one?" Yessssss I'd like to know too. GPV.
From Cap d'Antibes: Grande Grenille Posted by Hello
woooooossshhhhhhhh!! Posted by Hello

Of World War 2

In that cave in 1944 my mother held me in her arms,Marseille was bombed,I was told that the ground was shaking and the explosions were so loud that it would be normal for an 8 months old baby to remember them. Well no, I remember the cave some,
and very clearly the face of the young german soldier that was smiling at me.
So, 'till the end of my life, that's all I will remember of WWII .I hope you survived,
I hope you married and had children, because you're my only memory of these days.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Why not Waterlilies

That brings quest N° 1: Why Waterlilies and the unavoidable answ : "It's the best seat a frog's ass can find".
We'll answer question N° 2 through N°101 even though nobody asked them, just to be sure that any answer
will be accurate since nobody knows what the question is about in the first place.This will save a lot of research,flat footing to the numerous libraries we won't have to go to, and our fingers, not turning the pages of dusty old newspapers,will stay clean.
Of course we'll make ourselves the questions that you didn't state and since we already know the answers ,that's going to be easy on us(no headhaches).That technic is over used by political personalities all
over the world and believe it,bros,it does them good; Just take a look at their bank account,If you can that is.
We will accept comments on answers to the questions you never asked but since we don't answer
what you would like to know we don't accept comments on that, Get it? -no comments.
OK now,gents, any questions ??
Truly Yours and Theirs too,