Saturday, February 16, 2008


Before hand let every one know that this is the smallest award set up in the world,there is only one member in the jury and he’s not a famous character
In fact the winner of the award might be embarrassed by this set up however,the jury promises to do is best to make an honest choice among the nominees.Sorry; there is no trophy or other prize to win other than the lecture of this post (it’s not really a ‘fiesta’ but that’s all there is to it)

This special award is offered to outstanding persons known through out the world for their dedication to duty and the special care they take of their kind.
Since there is too many nominees none of them will be listed here.

Now; For a whole life of persevering in the every day task of keeping in line with her work and putting aside her own comfort by going through the grind of daily performances that have to be done hour by hour, by going over heartbreaks,wishes and wants,reported vacations and journeys that she would not have made if she didn’t have to,for the honest and simple ways of representing the nation and the people she serves, the STRAIGHT LINE AWARD is given to Elizabeth Queen of England that the one member jury admires most.

Friday, February 15, 2008



  You went away,having sold your house,bought a new one. You

were busy or you've been displaced ,maybe you were in prison or gone to war. It's been quite a time you haven't seen the old place and today

you're passing by and have some time to spare, so you visit your home town and go check on spots,neighborhood or the usual beer joint you used to go to.You recognise the town but there are some new buildings,like blots on the page which makes it look strange to you.

They changed the bar's look but the new owner 's got bad taste, the public square where you played touch football with friends seems

alien grounds, you don't see anyone you knew except, perhaps, Burt the only guy you don't want to see.

You go take your car to keep on moving and you feel as if you've been robbed of something while you were away, here and now you've lost your identity,you're nobody around here, a nobody coming back from nowhere and having nothing to say.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Missed mark

Most everyone has a black spot in his or her memories,something you don't want to be known, something you would like to forget but you can't, it comes back,it hits you periodicaly and when you don't expect it at all.
It's 4:58 in the morning in southern France and as I was watching flames in the fire place 15mn ago, it came to the surface once again,biting hard into my heart......Well, here it is:

I'm out for the night,I'm sixteen,I prowl around the french quarter on saturday night.I'm horny
as a deer in mating season,it's hot in New Orleans and summer is not far ahead.After checking out a few booze joints and night clubs in the french quarter I decide to go to " El café of los marinayos"(I'm not sure about the spelling) near Jackson's square,down by the river's side.
They didn't ask for ID's and didn't give a damn about your age (worry free for a teen under 18).
While drinking tequila and listening to latin music I was involved in a conversation with a guy that introduced me to an under-nourished brunette with nice eyes(can't remember how this happened but it did)to make the story short she refused the drink I was offering her and proposed to put up for five bucks(cheap even in those days), I said yes and out we went.
We ended up in a place were they rented tiny and worn out rooms for the night.
After our performance(nothing worth Guiness Book's attention) I started to dress up to go,
that's when she asked me to stay a while with her.....and I refused.
Lord! There's no time-travel machine to go back to you girl,if there was, I'd go back indeed and I
would stay and caress your hair and hold you against me telling you sweet lies, I'm so sorry.
I was such a cold hearted bastard.
If you're still alive and if you still remember that night, please forgive me,I ask for mercy because you see; now it's me burning in hell.